ECHO Food Room Most Needed Items - Winter 2025
Thank you for including ECHO Food Room needs on your shopping list.ECHO’s Food Room continues to break records. During July and August 343 families (1400 people fed) came to ECHO for food assistance. We gave out 51,000 pounds of food during these two months. Consider pre-COVID the food Room averaged helping 78 families a month and gave out 15,000 pounds of food. Your help in meeting this challenge is most appreciated.
• Choose sizes appropriate for our average family size of four.
• Include an assortment of food to ensure a variety of items for our clients.
• Because of the generosity of our community, ECHO has an ample supply of canned vegetables (especially green beans), can pumpkin, applesauce, and stuffing. However, we are short on many other items such as personal care products and the items listed below.
• ECHO continues to see a deficit of several thousand pounds a month between food donated and food given to clients. Since the beginning of the pandemic ECHO has seen an increase in need and this need has not abated. Any donation, large or small, is most gratefully welcomed.
• ECHO 's policy is to not give expired, open or repackaged food to clients. PLEASE do not bring these items to ECHO.
The items in bold below are in shortest supply and are staples for many of our clients.
| Hygiene Items
Other Donations Needed Now
Men and Boy’s Clothing
Women and Girl's Clothing
- Working Windows Laptops